viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022



Monkey Gossip of Little Monkeys of Monkeyland
(Here we inform and gossip, we do not criticize)
Another blackout of the solar eclipse on 12-04-2021 in Sagittarius
A point of view from Humanist Astrology,

Traslation from Spanish: El apagón de la nevera de Boris

Today we will talk about a fridge, or a refrigerator, which is the same thing, a device that cools its interior and where food and drinks are stored, so that they are preserved and cool, but in this case it was not about preserving food, it was try to keep bottles of wine, white, red or rosé, it doesn't matter, it was bought for about 200 pounds. And this is what has happened with the refrigerator that Boris the monkey had installed, sorry, the Boris stickman, in the first days of December 2020, coinciding with a time of eclipses of the Sun and Moon, between Gemini and Sagittarius, and of course, as usually happens in times of eclipse, only "miscarried fetuses" can be born or "in vitro fetuses" can be engendered, and this has happened with the famous fridge, which keeps 34 bottles of wine at 5ºC, ready to uncork and drink at any time, and more specifically on the so-called "viernes del vinito", or "the wine of Fridays", because it rides so much, rides so much.🙈🙉🙊

The famous fridge has been eclipsed in this month of December 2021, it has been the blackout of the fridge and the 34 bottles, and not because it malfunctioned, but because Boris Gemini, elected prime minister during the eclipse period, has seen the duster July 2019, and now they want to pluck him, as if it were a turkey, to eat him alive, and mainly the most opposed opposition of the politicians of his land, and I'm not saying which land but I suppose we all know it ... I'm not saying the city ​​and the place where the fridge for 34 bottles of wine was installed, only I can say that the River Thames passes through there, or at least it passed on the two occasions that I was in London. I was also walking in front of the famous house at number 10, Calle del Derribo or Calle que Baja, something like that could translate its name, it's not up (up), it's down (down). It has a bad name.🙈🙉🙊

The point is that the solar eclipse of 12-04-2021 has been at 12º 22' of Sagittarius, and it has been a TOTAL eclipse, and just as the fridge has been turned off or totally eclipsed, due to the innumerable criticisms of the neighbours and countrymen, who talked about the Friday night parties of wine, or Friday Wine, in full restrictions due to the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic ... The residents of the neighborhood, the city, the country and from all over the world have become aware of what was happening there, everyone knows it well and has already realized it, and the tenant of this house is also becoming aware of what was happening there and in the company of his political colleagues ... It is a matter of Sagittarius and the IX house (the expansion of consciousness and reality), and from this eclipse, even if he deceives himself and tries to deceive everyone (it is a Pisces issue), and we already know that the two faces and the double intention fall on Gemini, such as, for example, minister by day and drunkard by night, or work meeting and night sarao.🙈🙉🙊
The tenant Boris was born with the Sun at 28º 27' of Gemini in his house IX (the natural house of Sagittarius), and well, it is neither bad nor good, everything is and is not, but it happens that since last the 13th of December 2021, the transit of Mars in Sagittarius is making its periodic opposition with Gemini, which will end next day 01-25-2022, and since then what happened there on Fridays has been revealed, and since then everything has been attacks (Mars) against him, who hides himself as best he knows how and can, but who is already being asked to resign or die from his position, but with his arrogance and arrogance he says no, he won't get off the donkey or the pedestal.🙈🙉🙊
These days everything is red hot, they talk about filthy lies and pork pie, uff!!, and we are going to see how everything ends, taking into account that now he is making the exact opposition with his Sun and with his Venus, from his house III (the natural house of Gemini), the house of the neighbours, of the community of politicians, of the parliamentary chamber, of the house and the sign of duality, of both faces, of double intention, and other things, in addition to the fridge for 34 bottles of white, red and rosé wine.🙈🙉🙊

We already know how and where the total eclipse of the Sun has affected you, it also affects you in other houses where you has planets located in the orb of the eclipse, but I don't feel like studying it at all and wasting time, with something that does not concern gossip of the Little Monkeys. Now it's time to prepare today's menu and eat, which by the way, I plan to open a bottle of rosé wine that I have in the fridge, it will be for my health and also for yours, if you survive the storm, because the eclipse also affects your Pluto in the 11th house (projects and expectations), and your Jupiter in the 8th house (the death of something, the fridge, maybe your position, the neighborhood and something else), and your Neptune in the house II (the house of the expression of the word), ... and it is that when Neptune is in the house II and in opposition with Jupiter in the house VIII, the manipulations of the truth, the deceit and the lie are multiple.🙈🙉 🙊

And finally, we Monkeys have a good appetite, we are going to eat and drink a bottle of rosé wine, well, not all of it, just a small glass, life is two days and the burial is done quickly, the burial of Pluto and the 8th house, and I am not referring now to the burial of the sardine, we are not yet in Carnival times, although it seems so on some occasions, and they already say it: "even if the monkey dresses in silk, the monkey stays " ... "Do what I say and not what I do" ... 🙈🙉🙊

8th house - Génova Cemetery (Mallorca/Spain)
